This is NOT about the Corona Virus

This is not about the corona virus....well, not entirely.

The same patterns and themes keep happening in our world. This is not really all that new. Things just go by different names and involve different people. Every one of these patterns is described in the scriptures.

None of this should be new to the people of God. 
None of this is new to God.

Exile, Wilderness, Banishment, Dark Night of the Soul, Death.....yep, we've heard all those before.

But then....Resurrection!

Follow the pattern, if you will:
  • The universe is without form, in a state of chaos...
    • ...But God creates and brings order to it.
  • Adam and Eve feel shame and are banished from the garden...
    • ...But their descendant Noah finds favor with God.
  • The Hebrews find themselves enslaved in Egypt...
    • ...But Moses leads them out.
  • The Israelites live 40 years in the wilderness...
    • ...But Joshua leads them out.
  • The Israelites are exiled to Babylon for years...
    • ...But they are sent back to their home by King Cyrus.
  • The Jewish people are under the oppression of foreign empires...
    • ...But God promises a Messiah (i.e. one who would save them).
  • Jesus arrives and immediately is thrust into the wilderness for 40 days...
    • ...But Jesus emerges to usher in the Kingdom of God.
  • Jesus, the perceived King and Messiah is crucified, dies, and is buried...
    • ...But God's Spirit raises Jesus to new life through Resurrection POWER!
  • The whole world is subjected to a pandemic called COVID-19...
    • ...But the Church.....what? Well, YOU fill in the blank!

      • The Church recaptures the heart of Sabbath.
      • The Church repents of its consumerism.
      • The Church finds creative ways to pursue unity.
      • The Church helps connect their communities in brand new ways.
      • The Church provides hope in the midst of the mental and emotional darkness.
      • The Church becomes more generous than ever before.
      • The Church chooses justice over actions of hatred and bigotry.
      • The Church finds ways to listen to God's voice.
      • The Church renews their hope in the resurrection power of Jesus.

The pattern of the narrative of scripture and God's people isn't simply life, then death. It is life, then death, then NEW LIFE. This is who God is. Death is not the end of our story.

For over 2000 years, followers of Jesus have participated in this journey of going into darkness and emerging into light by getting baptized.

Going into the water, the chaos, the unknown, the dark; 
but then emerging into the light, the breathable air, the known, NEW LIFE!

We, the people of God, will emerge no matter what! Let's invite others with us.

One of our favorite resources to illustrate these points is captured so well by The Bible Project. Check out this VIDEO ON EXILE.

This content and other ministry is made possible because of the generosity of donors who give directly to LifeChurch Canton. If you'd like to continue to see more content and make an impact, partner with us through a generous gift or a recurring gift by going to our site. Thank you so much.


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