You Lost Me at "Resurrection"

What if I have a hard time believing in the resurrection of Jesus? What if it seems far-fetched for my scientific and intellectual brain?

I get it. Many of you who struggle with doubt in Christianity actually seem to be totally cool with Jesus all the way up until the resurrection. You like his way of life. You like his radical ethics of the Kingdom. You even admire his sacrificial love on the cross, even though you may doubt the work of atonement.

All in all, you're pretty good with Jesus, but you might be thinking,

"You lost me at the resurrection."

Let's just assume for a moment that the resurrection happened in the way the Gospel narratives described. Let's assume also that you are really attracted to the life and ministry of Jesus. Let's assume that you may be skeptical of Jesus' miracles of healing, but you're willing to go with it for now.

Let's assume all of those things and just ask a different question for now. IF it's true, what might that mean for the character of God? IF Jesus did rise again, what implications might that have for the rest of humanity who aligns their lives with the life of Jesus? IF resurrection happened, how does that new life and new creation affect life and creation all around us?

We believe that resurrection isn't just about going to heaven when you die. Resurrection implies that God's plan for the whole world is redemption. All of creation will be renewed. It's why Jesus' miracles aren't just about the supernatural. It's about the thing behind the thing. His motivation for healing, renewal, and rescue is because of his love and compassion for the creation.

He has a perpetual optimism for the world to become the best version of itself. Resurrection is the exclamation point on that optimism. It's the message that reminds all of humanity that no matter how bad you think you are or the world is, God doesn't give up. Even his own disciples had their doubts.

IF the resurrection is true, and the motivations behind it are real and genuine; then this God is quite something.

Let's assume now that we're not assuming anything. See, we actually DO believe the resurrection is real and powerful. Its transformative power means that you and I will live forever and we can begin that life today! Will you take a chance this Easter and enter into resurrection life?

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